What can you accomplish in 100 days? — The Lemonly Goal Model

John T. Meyer
4 min readJan 31, 2018


Goals. Resolutions. KPIs. I know even the mention of these words makes some people squirm, but whatever you want to call them or how you feel about them, most of us can agree it makes sense to put your aspirations in writing, break down your plan of action, and measure your success. We’ve embraced goals at Lemonly, but like most things we try to do at our company, we’ve kept it simple.

Lemonly’d Old 1DG Model

In 2015, we introduced our 100 Day Goal (1DG) process (visualized above) much to the team’s excitement (and anxiety.) The concept was simple: Every 100 days, the company set three goals, and each employee set three of their own goals related to the company’s. Initially, we heard a lot of “What should my goals be?”, “ How will I be measured?,” and of course, “What happens if I don’t hit my goal?” Over the years we’ve gotten better at (1) setting goals, (2) breaking down how to reach those goals, and (3) creating accountability for the goals. Each year we slightly tweak the model or adjust the setup striving for simplicity, clarity, and of course success.

The New Lemonly 1DG Model

Lemonly’s New 1DG Model

In 2018, we’ve made one significant change to the 1DG Model — emphasis on the word “one.” Here’s how it works.

  1. At the company retreat last November, I introduced the overarching 2018 goals for Lemonly. Every Lemonhead knew what we’re trying to accomplish as a team for the year ahead.
  2. We set the calendar for the three 1DG periods in 2018.
  • 1DG 1 : Jan 8 — Apr 20
  • 1DG 2: Apr 30 — Aug 10
  • 1DG 3: Aug 20 — Nov 27

*Note — This year we also tightened the time between 1DG periods. Between the holidays, 1DG grading, and end-of-year evaluations, things get really tight in December. Now we have some breathing room between making sure our goals are complete and evaluating how they went before we think about the new year.

3. Every Lemonhead sets two goals per 1DG period. One should be a “Development Goal” related to how that person is going to grow in the 100 days. Each person also announces to the team a task they’ll complete during the 100 days — their “To-Do Goal.”

4. Finally, the big change, starting this year, every Lemonhead will set a “One Thing Goal,” representing the one big, company-changing thing they’ll be accountable for working on all year long. This goal should roll up to the larger company goals that I shared with the team. The thought process is if everyone hits their One Thing Goal, Lemonly will definitely reach its company goals. Every Lemonhead’s One Thing Goal has been reviewed and approved both by their manager and by me.

  • Note: We have a shared Google Doc so everyone in the org can see everyone else’s Development, To-Do, and One Thing goals year round.
When employees walk through this door they know we want new ideas and are ready to embrace change.

Why The Changes

A few lessons we’ve learned over the years which informed the evolution of our 1DG model:

  1. Too many goals — we used to set three goals in each 100 day period. That’s nine goals a year! If everything is important, nothing is important.
  2. Go deep instead of wide — with the “One Thing Goal”, the hope is every Lemonhead will go deep and make a significant impact over the course of 2018. I want them to think about their goal every day when they walk into the office. Going deep allows you to make real impact and reflect on your growth throughout the year.
  3. End-of-year reflection — by cutting two goals and making one of them constant throughout the year, we were able to tighten the calendar and free up time for end-of-year reflection. We naturally look back at the past year and we didn’t want to rush the reflection or the planning of the year ahead.
  4. Ownership of the goal — Lemonheads have always set their own goals. This year’s One Thing Goals were reviewed like I said, but the idea and framework was proposed by the individual. If they created the goal they will have ownership and accountability toward completing the goal.

Evaluate and Evolve

One month into the year, the response to the slimmed down goal process has been positive, but like everything at Lemonly, we will evaluate and evolve at the end of the year. I believe every person in the organization from intern to CEO needs to know where the organization is headed. Our annual goals are the indicators of a successful 2018, but 100 Day Goals are the roadmap to get us to the finish line.

Ready, set, go…

John T. Meyer



John T. Meyer

CEO/Co-Founder of @Lemonly. We help companies tell their story through visuals. Care about company culture, @paiger33, #gogomargot, and the @Twins.